Family & Consumer Science
400 FACS 7 .5 Credit Grade 7
FACS 7 is an introduction to basic life skills. The course begins with study skills that will enhance the students’ educational success. An overview of time management, organization, listening, reading, note taking, test taking, digital citizenship and how to deal with 7th grade challenges will be addressed. A simple sewing project is done that features the identification of basic sewing equipment, sewing safety, pattern symbols and marking, machine operation, hand-sewing techniques, using an iron and washing clothes. Students then use these skills to give back to the community with their newly acquired talents. The food preparation unit includes equipment identifications, food and kitchen safety, measuring tools and techniques, table setting and manners and use of the new Myplate guideline. Healthy snacking and the preparation of snacks using the microwave and conventional ovens are done throughout the quarter.
405 FACS 8 .5 Credit Grade 8
FACS 8 is a course designed for 8th grade students that will build upon the skills learned in FACS 7. This will be a hands-on activity based class with a variety of learning experiences. Students will construct an apron sewing project that features new hand sewing techniques, a sewing sampler featuring 8 embroidery stitches, and use of the computerized embroidery machine. The food emphasis is on healthy breakfast preparation. The importance of breakfast to the mind and body is reinforced through videos, discussions, and a visit from a local dietitian as a guest speaker. The featured cooking labs include: Fruity Breakfast Parfait, Honey Baked French Toast, Blueberry Pancakes, Omelets, Smoothies, and Raspberry Lemon Muffins. Skills for success are covered in the first and last unit of this course.
420 Clothing I .5 Credit Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
This is a course that allows the student to review basic sewing skills and add new learning. Students will learn how to construct a garment of their choosing. This class will give students the opportunity to determine what type of clothing is best for them, using color and design. Patterns and selection of fabric will be discussed. Opportunities to use a computerized embroidery sewing machine will be included. Students will need to buy project materials for this class on their own.
430 Food Preparation .5 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
Do you like to cook? Planning on living on your own after you graduate? Don’t panic. In this course, the student has the opportunity to explore three major areas of consumerism: nutrition, meal planning and food preparation. Activity will be divided between the classroom work and work in the foods lab. The course will include discussion & preparation of nutritious snacks and lunches. Basic kitchen and consumer skills will be taught. Table settings and manners will be practiced. Lab work will be combined with classroom activities. This course is designed for 11th and 12th graders with any experience in cooking. Cooking experiences will include cooking for both the class and other groups as we cater some requested events. Labs are conducted one, two or three days a week dependent upon the unit. Nutrition, cost and time management in planning are always included. Guest speakers from the local culinary arts programs as well as chef and restaurateurs are invited to share all aspects of the industry. Food preparation and service touches us all at one time of our life. We emphasize the importance of sanitation in all food related jobs.
440 Foods .5 Credit Grades 9, 10 (other students with Instructor consent)
In this course, student will learn about healthy eating habits, table manners and food preparation skills. Students will learn the importance of and how to prepare fruits, vegetables, salads and baked goods. A combination of hands-on learning coupled with critical thinking skills in planning and preparation of food products. Preparation of a complete meal will conclude the course at the end of the semester. Lab work will be combined with classroom activities. This course if great for students who are looking at career paths including; : Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Business, Management, and Administration or Hospitality and Tourism. A student committee will be formed to decide what can be done with in the community with the new skills they have learned. Some previous examples include a Food Shelf Cookbook, catering within the school and community.
445 Creative Foods .5 Credit Grades 11, 12
This foods course is designed for the student who is interested in furthering his/her knowledge in the field of food preparation. Building hands-on skills from Foods I or Foods Prep, the students will continue in the areas of soups, salads, breads, grain products and desserts. Students should be willing to try new things. Students will be introduced to the consumer aspects of food preparation and meal planning. Collaboration with the HCC Culinary Arts program will expose students to advanced techniques and career exploration in this area. Quantity food preparation for a Community Service Project will highlight the students skills during the semester.
Prerequisite: “C “ average in Food I or Food Prep or Instructor approval
450 Housing and Home Design .5 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
Do you have an eye for design? Do you like to use color and line in decorating? This course is designed to help the student become more aware of how housing fulfills needs. The home decoration unit enables the student to apply the principles of good design in decorating. Students should be self-motivated. A foundation in familiar architectural terms is highlighted through a “Word-A-Day” program. Guest Speakers and tours are featured in a variety of areas as chosem by each class, ie architects, interior designers-Architecture Firms, electricians, plumbers, carpenters – Construction sites, florists, realtors, painters, etc. The course will aid in preparing the student for future study of architecture, design, art, construction and/or decorating. It will naturally lead into the Career Pathways of Arts, Communication & Information Systems and Engineering, Manufacturing & Technology. Opportunities to work on a team as a Service Learning Project with a Habitat family will show the culmination of the skills you have gained. Small practical “at-home” projects will be interjected in various units as appropriate.(ie traffic flow, wall designs, etc.)
460 Independent Living .5 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
This course is designed to cover the basics of living independently. This class will discuss consumer power, managing your money, and financial security. Students will learn how to look for and finance a used car, apartment and investments. Learning how to fill out tax forms and obtain banking services will also be covered. Guest speakers and projects will help students be better prepared to live on your own. This class is great for all students. Specifically students who are interested in the fields of; Business, Management and Administration or Human Service Occupations. Each guest speaker will inform students of their career path and opportunities that lie within. Students will learn to work together in groups, be prepared and punctual. Students will also be responsible for forming a leadership committee that will help to keep material and guest speakers relevant.
470 Child Development .5 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
This course is designed to acquaint the student with children and their individual variation in growth and development. Class time observation will be an important part of this course, offering many possibilities for learning. Through this class, it will be possible to discover some of the causes and meanings behind a child’s behavior and the student will have the opportunity to become more aware of their personal feelings about children. Opportunity will exist for the student to manage a computer-programmed baby for a weekend, journaling the care and responsibilities a child requires and also experience the wearing of an Empathy Belly. Another major assignment includes reading and critiquing current periodicals and books as well as journaling thoughts and perspective on how children should be raised. This course is especially good for, but not limited to, students pursuing careers in education, psychology, childcare, nursing and other aspects of the medical field. Career fields include Business Management
480 Quilting .5 Credit Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Students will learn to express themselves through a hands on project. Students will work together to create projects that are not only artistic but functional as well. In this class students will review the sewing machine and operation, basic sewing techniques, as well as basic quilting terminology and technique. Students will travel to a fabric store to see all of the options that are available. It is the hope of the instructor that both collaborative and individual projects will be completed. This class is great for students interested in the fields of Arts, Communications and Information systems as well as Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology. A student committee will be formed to decide what can be done with in the community with the group projects that we make.