
707    Math 7    1 Credit    Grade 7

In Math 7, students will study topics of algebra, data analysis, and geometry while using rational numbers.  The skills taught include learning procedures to compute with decimals, fractions, and integers.  Students will also work with percent and proportional reasoning.  This class will prepare students for the MCA and for Math 8 the following year.

707H    Honors Math 7    1 Credit    Grade 7

In Honors Math 7, students will study advanced topics of algebra, geometry, and problem-solving that will prepare them for both the MCA and future honors math classes here at Hibbing High School.  The workload and topics are quite rigorous and challenging for the 7th grade students.  It is strongly encouraged that only students recommended for this class register.


708    Algebra 8    1 Credit    Grade 8

In Algebra 8, students will study all of the topics and vocabulary required for the 8th grade MCA while building a solid foundation in algebra, geometry, data analysis, and problem-solving that is needed for success in more advanced courses.


708H    Honors Algebra 8    1 Credit    Grade 8

In Honors Algebra 8, Students will begin to learn mathematics beyond arithmetic.  It forms the basis for subsequent honors math classes here at Hibbing High School.  Students will study more rigorous content than the traditional math curriculum.  It is designed for those students with post-secondary plans.

Prerequisite: Honors Math 7/Teacher recommendation

713A       Basic Algebra S1            .5 Credits              Grades 9,10, 11, 12

713B       Basic Algebra S2            .5 Credits              Grades 9,10, 11, 12  

This course presents the essentials of Algebra I and stresses the basics of Algebra in conjunction with the Minnesota Math Standards.  The intent of this course is to give students a better understanding of the basic concepts of algebra and to help students meet the minimum state standards for graduation.  This course is not intended for students who have already passed College Prep Algebra I. 

Prerequisite: Math 8

724A    College Prep Algebra I S1    .5 Credit    Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

724B    College Prep Algebra I S2    .5 Credit    Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Algebra is the very foundation of all mathematics beyond arithmetic.  As such, it is the prerequisite for the study of all subsequent courses in mathematics.  Study of Algebra should aid one to become a clear, logical thinker and to be more precise in stating thoughts.  In Algebra I, you will learn to solve many kinds of problems which would be very difficult, if not impossible, to solve with arithmetic. 

This class is a prerequisite for College Prep Geometry or Honors Geometry

716A    Honors Algebra II    .5 Credit    Grades 10, 11, 12

716B    Honors Algebra II    .5 Credit    Grades 10, 11, 12 

This advanced level course is primarily intended for a 10th grade student progressing from Honors Geometry, plus any juniors or seniors who excel in math and elect to take this course.  The scope of material will greatly exceed that of College Prep Algebra II and the course isn’t intended for the casual math student.

725A    College Prep Algebra II S1    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12

725B    College Prep Algebra II S2    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12

This course is an expansion and continuation of material learned in Algebra I.  Some concepts that are stressed include a structure of our number system, solutions to various types of equations, appreciation for the need for precision of language on mathematics, and acquiring the ability to apply algebraic skills in many practical situations.  Student enrolling in Algebra II are usually interested in continuing their education beyond high school.  Most four-year universities require you to complete this course to be accepted and most four-year universities will require a course of this magnitude as a minimum to earn a degree.  It is strongly recommended that College Prep Geometry be taken before College Prep Algebra II. 

Prerequisite: Passing grade in College Prep Algebra I S1 & S2 or a high grade in Basic Algebra II/Teacher Recommendation.

726A   CITS College Prep Algebra II S1  .5 Credit Grades 11, 12

726B   CITS College Prep Algebra II S2  .5 Credit Grades 11, 12


727A    Basic Algebra II S1    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12

727B    Basic Algebra II S2    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12

This course is an expansion and continuation of material learned in High School/Basic Algebra 1 and College Prep /Basic Geometry.  Concepts include numerical reasoning, algebraic reasoning, geometric reasoning, measurement, and data analysis.  An emphasis of this course involves preparation for the MCA II Grade 11 Mathematics Test.  The intent is that this class meets the minimum state requirements for graduating high school.  

Prerequisite: Completion or Concurrent enrollment of Basic Geometry or higher geometry course.


720    Pre Calculus    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12 

This semester-long course involves an in-depth expansion of topics covered in College Prep Algebra II, College Prep Geometry, and Trigonometry.   Subjects that will stressed in Precalculus include: functions and their graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, matrices, determinants, and limits.  Students enrolling in Precalculus are usually college-bound students not yet ready for the rigors of our high school calculus class but wish to better prepare themselves for college calculus.   Precalculus in not a prerequisite for our high school calculus, nor should it be considered a replacement for calculus.

Prerequisite: College Prep Algebra II 

722    Calculus S1    .5 Credit    Grade 12

723    Calculus S2    .5 Credit    Grade 12

Calculus is the study of the necessary mathematics to complete a course on the elements of differential and integral calculus.  This course is comparable to one year of college calculus.  Students will be challenged and very well-prepared for first year college calculus.

Prerequisites: Trig or current enrollment in Semester 1 Trig.

728A     CITS Calculus S1     .5 Credit     Grade 12

728B     CITS Calculus S2     .5 Credit     Grade 12

Calculus is the study of the necessary mathematics to complete a course on the elements of differential and integral calculus.  This course is comparable to one year of college calculus.  Students will be challenged and very well-prepared for first year college calculus.

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment through Hibbing Community College; Students must meet college eligibility requirements. Must pass a separate accuplacer to get into this class.

730    Data Analysis & Discrete Mathematics    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12

As the title indicates, this semester course will focus on two specific branches of mathematics.  The data analysis portion of this course will represent the study of areas of combinatorics, probability, and descriptive analysis.  Discrete mathematics can be defined as “the study of mathematical properties of sets and systems that have only a finite number of elements.”  Specific discrete topics that will be covered include: sequences, recursion, graphs, and trees.  This class is intended for the competent math student who wishes to supplement their mathematics background with interesting and pertinent curriculum.

Prerequisite: College Prep Algebra II or higher.


740A       Basic Geometry S1              .5 Credits   Grades 10, 11, 12

740B       Basic Geometry S2              .5 Credits   Grades 10, 11, 12

This course presents the essentials of geometry, stressing activities and hands-on examples rather that the rigorous approach associated with the College Prep Geometry.  The intent is that this class meets the minimum state requirements for graduating high school.  It covers all of the useful components of geometry which can be applied to everyday surroundings.  This class is not intended for those who have already completed College Prep Geometry.

Prerequisite: College Prep Algebra I or Basic Algebra I


742A    Honors Geometry S1    .5 Credit    Grade 9

742B    Honors Geometry S2    .5 Credit    Grade 9 

All of the materials of a regular geometry class are covered. In addition, math competition tests are incorporated into the curriculum along with Analytical Geometry topics.  This is an exciting class where young people are exposed to many great math concepts.

Prerequisite: Completion of Honors Algebra 8 or College Prep Algebra I/teacher or counselor recommendation


743A    College Prep Geometry S1    .5 Credit    Grades 10, 11, 12

Topics will include: basic geometric terms, writing proofs, if-then statements, parallel and perpendicular lines, angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, proving triangles congruent, recognizing characteristics of different quadrilaterals, inequalities (of segments, angles and triangles) and similar polygons.

Prerequisite: Passing grade in College Prep Algebra I S1/S2


743B    College Prep Geometry S2    .5 Credit    Grades 10, 11, 12

Topics include: Enhancement of all S1 topics, more with writing proofs, right triangles and special right triangles, elementary trigonometric functions, all of the segments/lines/angles associated with circles, basic constructions with a compass and straightedge, areas of polygons and circles, volumes and surface areas of #D solids, distance formula, slopes and equations of lines, parallel and perpendicular lines, vectors, and transformations.

Prerequisite: Must have completed College Prep Geometry S1.


760    Trigonometry    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12            

The principles of Trigonometry can be applied to the fields of mathematics and science.  Areas in which trigonometric concepts are used are: surveying, navigation, astronomy, architecture, design, mechanics, physics, shop, and medicine.  Students planning to attend college, particularly those interested in the above fields, should take this course.  This is one of the most useful and valuable types of mathematics.

Prerequisite:  completion of College Prep Geometry and completion/current enrollment in College Prep Algebra II


762    Honors Trigonometry    .5 Credit    Grades 11, 12

This advanced level course is primarily intended for the 11th or 12th grade student progressing from Honors Algebra II.  Any other junior or senior student who elects to take this course should consult their current math teacher and their counselor.  The scope and pace of this course will exceed that of “regular trigonometry” and is not recommended for the casual math student.

Prerequisite:          Teacher/Counselor recommendation


765    Senior Math S1    .5 Credit    Grade 12

This semester course will focus on reviewing important Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry concepts along with helping students prepare for the mathematics on the MCA II Grad Retake, Accuplacer for college, and the ACT.  It is strongly recommended that anyone planning to attend a post-secondary institution (2 year or 4 year) take a math course as a senior.

Prerequisites: Either Algebra II class S1 and S2


766    Senior Math S2    .5 Credit    Grade 12

This course will focus on introducing trigonometry, probability, and statistics concepts along with helping students prepare for the mathematics on the MCA II Grad Retake, Accuplacer for college, and the ACT.  It is strongly recommended that anyone planning to attend a post-secondary institution (2 year or 4 year) take a math course as a senior.

Prerequisites: Either Algebra II class S1 and S2

773     Advance Algebra Tech Math S1     .5 Credit     Grade 11

774     Advance Algebra Tech Math S2     .5 Credit     Grade 11

This course is an expansion and continuation of material learned in Intermediate Algebra and College Prep /Basic Geometry.  Concepts include numerical reasoning, algebraic reasoning, geometric reasoning, measurement, and data analysis.  An emphasis of this course is to provide the mathematics skills needed in a wide variety of trade, technical, and other occupational areas.  The intent is that this class meets the minimum state requirements for graduating high school as well as preparation for the Grade 11 MCA exam.

Prerequisite: Completion or Concurrent enrollment of Basic Geometry or higher geometry course.



Contact Us

Hibbing High School
800 East 21st Street
Hibbing, MN 55746

Comments or questions?

Office Phone: (218) 208-0841
Principal: Mr. Mike Finco
Assistant Principal: Mr. Ryan Stewart
Hibbing Public Schools,
Celebrating Success!