Prior to the 1999-2000 school year there had not been a parent teacher organization at the Lincoln School for several years. Because this is such an important age for our children, and because of the need for a broad base of support for our schools the Lincoln Parent-Teacher Organization was formed.

The Lincoln Parent-Teacher Organization meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center. All parents, teachers, and anyone concerned about the welfare of our youth are welcome to attend. Meetings are informal and generally last about one hour, with special speakers invited to attend 2 - 3 times per school year.

Mission Statement
The Lincoln Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization will support the Hibbing School District's mission and more specifically the Lincoln Elementary School's mission statement. We will become a proactive, involved organization that recognizes the unique and special issues relating to children throughout adolescence, specifically in grades 4 through 6. We will serve as advocates for Lincoln Elementary School students, teachers, and parents in the school and the community, striving to ensure an excellent educational experience for all parties involved.


  • Several goals have been set to support the mission of the Lincoln Parent-Teacher Organization.
  • Create an open, trusting environment for parents, teachers and students
  • Improve communication between the school and parents
  • Increase parent involvement in the school and in their child's education
  • Develop a collaborative, proactive approach to educational problem-solving
  • Aid in the developmental and social concerns of students
  • Enrich our children's educational experience

Due to the wide range of projects the Lincoln Parent-Teacher Organization would like to develop, several committees have been formed. Anyone with ideas or interests in any of these areas is encouraged to participate in that committee.

Improve communications between teachers, students, and parents. Publish newsletters, maintain a web site or the information going into local web sites (school district and the Hibbing Daily Tribune) and develop homework hotlines/web pages. "The Latest from the Lincoln Middle School" is published quarterly by members of this committee.

Parent Involvement
Increasing parent involvement at the Lincoln Middle School. Work with the volunteer coordinator to bring more parents into the school. Network with other schools who have implemented successful programs.

Parent and Student Enrichment
Gather information and provide resources to help parents raise adolescent and pre-adolescent youth. Student enrichment would involve academic, entertainment, and recreational activities. Such as artists, poets, "virtual field trips" and other activities. In the 1999-2000 school year the Lincoln Alliance assisted in bringing Joe Nathan to speak to teachers and parents and brought in a SKA Band from UMD that performed for students.

Assist with finding and applying for grants or other partnerships to help meet the needs of the school, its students, and staff. During the summer of 2000 a Northland Foundation grant was applied for to help provide funds to increase communication between school, parents, students, and the community.

Please feel free to join us at our monthly meetings.

Contact Us

Lincoln Elementary School
1114 East 23rd Street
Hibbing, MN 55746

Comments or questions?

Office Phone: (218) 208-0842
Principal: Mr. Robert Bestul
Hibbing Public Schools,
Celebrating Success!