Teacher Quality

Parent Notification of Teacher Quality
Parents and Guardians have the right to request and review information from your school district on the professional qualifications of your child's teachers. The new federal "No Child Left Behind" law requires schools that receive federal education funds under Title I, Part A to provide this information to you if you request it.

The information you may request includes the following:

  • Has the teacher met state qualifications and licensing requirements for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction?
  • Is the teacher providing instruction under emergency or another provisional status that means regular state qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived?
  • What college degree does the teacher have, as well as any other graduate degree or certification? In what academic subject area(s) were the degrees received?
  • Are paraprofessionals providing instructional services to my child? If so, what are their qualifications?

The district is also required to inform you if your child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the federal definition of being "highly qualified." Highly qualified teachers are those who have met state qualifications and licensure requirements.
All teachers are required by the "No Child Left Behind" law to be highly qualified by the start of the 2005-2006 school year. One of the law's intentions is to improve student achievement by focusing on improvements in teacher quality.

If you have any questions please contact your building principal.

Contact Us

Hibbing Public Schools
800 East 21st Street
Hibbing, MN 55746

Comments or questions?

Office Phone: (218) 208-0848
Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Richard Aldrich
Hibbing Public Schools,
Celebrating Success!