The Services That We Provide:
Technology Planning
The Technology Department continually monitors the district's technology needs. Needs have to be met regarding out dated technology equipment, inservicing, software updates, compatibility issues, network security, virus protection, data retention policies, disaster recovery plans, state and federal reporting requirements and several others.
Technology Budgeting
The district's technology typically exceed the budget available for technology expenditures. Each year we prioritize our technology spending, based on planning, requests, and technology trends in the district. We do our best to leverage special purchases and explore grant opportunities to help with technology funding.
Staff Inservicing
The Technology Department tries to provide as many training options as possible. We have added three days of inservice to the school calendar, and have hired Technology Integration Support staff for each building. We also develop an extensive knowledge base of articles to help staff with common technology related tasks.
Network Infrastructure Installations
The Technology Department is responsible for maintaining the network infrastructure that the technology systems run on. This includes maintaining a reliable, flexible network which provides the infrastructure upon which the school's systems operate. The network needs to be protected from viruses and security breeches, as well as kept up to date to maintain compatibility with required systems.
Phone System Management
The Technology Department is responsible for managing the district's phone and fax systems.
Internet Filtering
The Technology Department maintains an Internet Content Filter in compliance with state and federal laws, protecting users from inappropriate content.
Computer & iPad Hardware Deployments
The Technology Department purchases and installs the district's computers and iPads. We try to maintain clusters of similarly configured hardware to reduce operating costs, such as installation, configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting, and support.
Computer Software Installations
The Technology Department is responsible for all software installations in the district. Software licensure must be compliant. Software must maintain compatibility with the network environment. Major upgrades occur during the summer, when we reformat and reinstall all software district-wide. This allows us to start each year with current software and newly-configured, cleanly installed systems. We also utilize a software distribution system to help manage just-in-time software updates that can occur during the school year.
Technical Support
The Technology Department provides the district with support for installed hardware and software throughout the district. Please follow the link above for detailed information on obtaining support in the most efficient way possible.
Web Site Development
The Technology Department provides the infrastructure for the development of the district's web site. All staff members are also provided with software and directory space on the web server for their own individual pages.
Network Management
The Technology Department monitors critical components for bottlenecks and failures and tries to be as proactive as possible in detecting problems and potential problems to provide a reliable network with minimal downtime.
Network Access
The Technology Department provides access to network resources throughout the district, while protecting access to sensitive data and resources from unauthorized users. Users can access their documents, preferences, email and other data from any networked computer in the district.
Data Retention and Backup
The Technology Department maintains archives of district data based on the data retention policies set by the district. We deploy an email archiving system. The department also manage a sophisticated backup system which backs up district data each night. The backups are managed using rotating media sets and offsite storage.
Student Data Management
The Technology Department configures, maintains and backs up the systems necessary for storage and reporting of student data. This includes demographic, health, attendance, grades, schedules, IEP and other information. We also provide access to systems for state and federal reporting requirements, as well as the submission of several reports.
Software Systems
The Technology Department maintains several sophisticated software systems used to deliver both management and curriculum services. Examples include: Schoology Enterprise (Learning Management System), Google G Suite for Education, Accelerated Reader (reading assessment), Renaissance Learning STAR (student assessment), Alexandria (library automation), BlackboardConnect (community messaging), TestNav (the state's online testing system), JAMF Pro (client workstation and mobile device management system), and several online databases.
Classroom Technologies
The Technology Department is also responsible for supporting several classroom technologies. These include: interactive whiteboards, student response systems, document scanners, computer-based cable TV tuners, tablets, and classroom audio enhancement systems.