Title I
Hibbing Public Schools receives federal funds to provide supplementary educational services to students who are having difficulty in reading and mathematics. The Hibbing Title I program is a targeted assistance program serving children in kindergarten through grade five.
The overall goal of the program is to improve teaching and learning to increase academic achievement of students identified as being most at risk of not meeting the state academic standards. Eligibility for services is based on local student selection criteria.
The Title I program provides supplemental educational services or additional academic instruction designed to increase academic achievement. Services may include tutoring and other education interventions consistent with the content and instruction used by the school district and aligned with the state academic standards.
Title I services are coordinated with the regular education program and may be provided in the classroom or Title I resource room. The in-class model provides Title I children with extra assistance in the same setting and time period as their regular classes. The resource model removes the Title I children from their classroom usually on a daily basis for a limited period of time for intensive instruction. Instructional strategies are used that minimize removing children from the regular classroom as much as possible.
A partnership between parents and schools in support of high student performance is an important part of the Title I program. This partnership includes parents in the planning, design and implementation of the Title I program and a family-school compact describing the mutual responsibilities of parents, students, and the school.
If you have questions, please contact your building principal or school counselor.