600-613 School District System Accountability


SERIES: 600 Education Programs
SUBJECT: 613 School District System Accountability


a. “Course Credit” is equivalent to a student successfully completing an academic year of study or a student mastering the applicable subject matter as determined by the school district.
b. “Graduation Standards” means the course credit requirements and Profile of Learning content standards or Minnesota Academic Standards that school districts must offer and certify that students complete to be eligible for a high school diploma.

The school district will establish a system to review and improve instruction, curriculum and assessment which will include substantial input by students, parents or guardians, and local community members.  The school district will be accountable to the public and the state through annual reporting.

Establishment of Goals; Implementation; Evaluation; Reporting

School District Goals

1. The school board has established school district-wide goals which provide broad direction for the school district.  Incorporated in these goals are the content standards in the Minnesota Graduation Standards.  The board goals shall be reviewed annually and approved by the school board.  The school board shall adopt annual goals based on the recommendations of the School Accountability and Reporting (SAR) Committee.

2. The improvement goals should address recommendations identified through the advisory committee process.  The school district’s goal setting process will include consideration of individual site goals.  School district goals may be developed through an education effectiveness program, an evaluation of student progress committee, or through some other locally determined process.

Implementation of Graduation Requirements
The school board shall appoint a School Accountability and Reporting (SAR) Committee which shall advise the school board on implementation of the state and local graduation requirements, including K-12 curriculum, assessment, student learning opportunities, and other related issues.  

The SAR advisory committee shall, when possible, be comprised of 2/3 community representatives and shall reflect the diversity of the community.  Included in membership may be:
a. Director of Curriculum (or similar leader)
b. Principal
c. School Board Member
d. One teacher from each level
e. Parent representation
f. Two residents without school-aged children, non-representative of local business or industry (optional)
g. Two residents representative of local business or industry (optional)

The advisory committee shall meet the following timeline each year:  October – agree on process; June – review, present; July – provide direction and review.

An “Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Performance: shall” be approved by the school board and distributed to the public.   A copy shall be sent to the Commissioner by October 15 of each year.  The public report shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Student performance goals for meeting the graduation standards;
Result of local assessment data, including all data required by MN Rule, 3501.0160;
School district improvement plans;
Progress on previous improvement plans;
Names of advisory committee members, dates their terms expire, method of selection and application dates;
Periodic reports on constituencies’ satisfaction with schools; and
Biennial evaluations of the school district testing program and AOM.

Legal References:
Minn. Rule Parts 3501.0010 to 3501.0180 (Mathematics, Reading)
Minn. Rule Parts 3501.0200-3501.0290 (Written Composition)
Minn. Rule Parts 3501.0300-3501.0469 (Profile of Learning)
M.S. 120B.02 (Graduation Rule)
M.S. 120B.11 (School District Policy)

Curriculum Review Schedule and Integration of the Graduation Standards

Student Outcome/Data AnalysisMathematicsScienceSocial StudiesFACS, World LanguagesHealth, Physical Education, ArtLanguage Arts/ReadingBusiness, Education, Industrial Tech, Music
Program EvaluationBusiness, Education, Industrial Tech, MusicMathematics ScienceSocial StudiesFACS, World LanguagesHealth, Physical Education, Art Language Arts/Reading
Analyze, Review, ReportLanguage Arts/ReadingBusiness, Education, Industrial Tech, MusicMathematicsScienceSocial StudiesFACS, World LanguagesHealth, Physical Education, Art
Implement & Follow-UpHealth, Physical Education, ArtLanguage Arts/Reading Business, Education, Industrial Tech, MusicMathematicsScienceSocial Studies FACS, World Languages
MaintainFACS, World LanguagesHealth, Physical Education, ArtLanguage Arts/ReadingBusiness, Education, Industrial Tech, MusicMathematicsScience Social Studies
MaintainSocial StudiesFACS, World LanguagesHealth, Physical Education, Art Language Arts/ReadingBusiness, Education, Industrial Tech, MusicMathematics Science
Prepare to RecycleScienceFACS, World LanguagesHealth, Physical Education, ArtLanguage Arts/ReadingBusiness, Education, Industrial Tech, Music Mathematics

Contact Us

Lincoln Elementary School
1114 East 23rd Street
Hibbing, MN 55746

Comments or questions?

Office Phone: (218) 208-0842
Principal: Mr. Robert Bestul
Hibbing Public Schools,
Celebrating Success!