Immunization Notices

All students (kindergarten through 12th grade) must complete their immunizations--including boosters--and submit an official record of these to the school nurse.

Starting in September 2001, all 7th grade students must show proof of immunization dates for the Hepatitis B series, their second MMR booster, and Diphtheria/Tetanus booster. (MN Statute 121A.15)

Health Department Information

The MN State immunization law requires all students entering Kindergarten and 7th Grade to receive the required immunizations.

For Kindergarten students, a second MNR is required. A chickenpox vaccine is required if your child has not had the disease. Also, they will need the Hepatitis B series, plus DTap, and polio boosters.

7th Grade students will need to show proof of a current TD booster, 2nd MMR, Hepatitis B series, plus the chickenpox vaccine or proof of the disease.

If these immunizations are contrary to your beliefs or there is a medical exemption, you must complete the appropriate forms. They are available from the school nurse or at a clinic.

Students who do not comply with the state law will be excluded from school.

Contact Us

Health Services
Hibbing Public Schools
800 East 21st Street
Hibbing, MN   55746

Comments or questions?

Office Phone: (218) 208-0841
Head School Nurse: Ms. Deanna Lindholm
Hibbing Public Schools,
Celebrating Success!