Bus Expectations
Location - 12th Avenue East and 23rd Street - Hibbing
Todd Saatoff
Bus Expectations
Riding on the bus is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to follow the same rules on the bus and at the bus stop as at school.
In an effort to improve school bus safety as well as to alleviate bus over-crowding issues, bus transfers will be limited to F.C.C. licensed / approved day care centers only.
Daily transfers will not be honored. If a student is going to a friend's or relative's home, it is the parent's responsibility to arrange transportation for that student.
Please note:
- Bus transfers will only be approved by the school principal or the principal designee. Transfers will only be made in case of extreme emergency.
- Consequences for bus violations at the end of the school year will carry over to the beginning of the following school year.
- Bus stop rules as well as bus rules are extensions of school rules. Consequences for violations at these locations will be handled by the building principal or designee.
- Bus seats may be assigned as needed.
- Students are to cross the street at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
- Students are to move away from the loading zone quickly.
- Students are to remain on the bus if it is stalled unless an emergency requires them leaving the safety of the bus.
- Two student monitors may be appointed by the bus driver.
- Flower or balloon arrangements are not permitted on the bus. All large projects must be boxed or bagged. Otherwise they may be banned from the bus.
For more information contact:
Todd Saatoff
Tel: 218-208-0845
Todd Saatoff