Benefits Information
Benefits Introduction
Hibbing Public Schools provides health, dental and life insurance coverage to its eligible employees. Eligibility for and the District's monthly contribution towards all benefit plans are determined by each bargaining units eligibility specifications and negotiated employer contributions. A summary of each of the insurance benefit plans and cost of participation is provided by the Business Office upon request.
Your payroll deductions for health and dental insurances are made on a pre-tax basis. A change in the election is only possible within thirty days of a life event that is consistent with the requested change.
Please contact the District Benefits Clerk, Amy Fearing, at 218-208-0849 - ext. 2 if you are interested in obtaining specific insurance information or if you would like to know if you are eligible to enroll in the insurance plans.
Health Insurance - Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Minnesota
Hibbing Public Schools is part of the Northeast Service Cooperative pool, and offers its eligible employees health insurance through Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Minnesota. Coverage is available upon the first day of employment but shall be effective only upon enrollment. Employees who work less than full time but at least 0.5 FTE are eligible for enrollment, and the school district monthly contribution will be pro-rated.
Due to the Affordable Care Act, effective with the 2014-15 health insurance contract period, employees will no longer have the option to enter the program at anytime during the contract year. Employees wishing to enroll or amend their health insurance coverage must submit the change request during the Open Enrollment Period, from August 1st – August 31st of each year.
Employees still have the option to drop health insurance coverage at anytime. However, once an employee has dropped coverage, they will not be able to obtain coverage through the school district health insurance plan until the next Open Enrollment period, unless they have a “Qualifying Event”.
Enrollment forms are available in the Business Office.
Dental Insurance - Northern Minnesota Dental
Hibbing Public Schools is currently self-insured, and offers its eligible employees dental insurance through Northern Minnesota Dental. Coverage is available upon the first day of employment but shall be effective only upon enrollment. The opportunity to enroll is within the first thirty days of employment or July 1st. Employees who work less than full time but at least 0.5 FTE are eligible for enrollment, and the school district monthly contribution will be pro-rated. Enrollment forms are available in the Business Office.
Our dental insurance policy carries a mandatory two-year election period. All employees enrolled in the dental plan must stay in the plan for at least two consecutive years before you are allowed to discontinue your participation in the plan. Also, employees who have elected to discontinue their enrollment in the dental plan may not participate for a period of two years from the date they elected to drop coverage.
Life Insurance - Minnesota Life Insurance Company
All eligible employees are eligible to receive basic term life insurance coverage based on each employees employment contracts. Coverage is available upon the first day of employment but shall be effective only upon enrollment. Employees who work less than full time but at least 0.5 FTE are eligible for enrollment, and the amount of coverage will be pro-rated. Enrollment forms are available in the Business Office.
Supplementary basic term life insurance coverage may also be purchased by the employee at the rate quoted by our provider.
National Insurance Services - Employee Assistance Program
The National Insurance Services offers a free Employee Assistance Program.
This program is for employees covered under the School District Life Insurance plan.
The employees can call into the Employee Assistance Program 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. An eligible employee can receive 3 in person sessions per presenting problem per year. This means an employee could call for multiple problems in the same year and receive 3 in person sessions for each different problem. In addition, if an employee called for something (i.e. depression) in one year and received 3 in person sessions, they could call for the same reason again the following year and receive another 3 sessions.
Some concerns an employee may call about are Stress Management, Relationship Problems, Depression, Financial or Legal Concerns, Alcohol or Drug Addictions, or even Child and Elder Care.
For more information contact:
Amy Fearing
Tel: 218-208-0849 - Option #2